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This movie make me one time more disappointed about super heroes movie. Marvel and DC have so much good stories to explore and to give a good twist with to make it realistic and touching, how much difficult is to make a good super hero movie?
I can't understand how people can give some money to see this. I'm 100% agree with Lyre comments. How is it possible?
US movies are passing a bad time like they no more care about a good plot and invest all the money using all this technology to compensate the lack of substance of their work. This movie could not be more illustrative about what I'm saying: everybody knows Superman story, why anybody care to give it a twist in order to captivate spectator mind. All these inconsistencies are ridiculous.
This movie is a disgrace for all movies, but isn't the only one of its kind.
Spoilers ahead.
Not even remotely kidding. Not really caring about the comics, all I wanted to watch was a good movie. Something like the Batman reboot. I don't mind if it follows the canon or not, or whatever.I didn't even care if it was Oscar potential. All I asked for is to be entertained.
Nope. Didn't happen at all.
Sure, the SFX are great. And the new suit is OK, I guess. Other than that... what on earth did I watch? I waited and waited. The first half was slow and boring, but I thought it'd build up to a terrific climax. As many pointed out, I wondered about the plot holes (how did Superman know he had to go north? How did Louis Lane fall in love with Superman? How did he do all the amazing feats of strength while near the ship? Why didn't Superman take the battle outside Metropolis? The list goes on and on), but didn't care that much.
What I did care about was - the second half was just explosions and nothing more. Violence, destruction, and that's it. The Avengers was fun because the characters had someone to talk to while mayhem happened around them. Batman was interesting because he had Alfred and the Comissioner around. Superman has.. nothing. All we see are loud crashes everywhere. The action goes by so fast you don't really see a thing.
The characters are completely forgettable. Even Laurence Fishburne is a bore.
I really can't believe this movie had something to do with Christopher Nolan. Batman begins is leaps and bounds better than this movie. I really wanted to like it, but in the end it's just as forgettable as Superman Returns. And that's a really bad thing.
It seems Christopher Reeve will forever be THE Superman, after all.
This may have a small spoiler - depends on what you call a spoiler!
I'm not a critic - just a girl who grew up on Superman movies, and has loved all of them....even Returns, although it wasn't my favorite one. I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this movie since 2011, when I found out it was being produced by Nolan. When I left the theater I felt very much like I had watched a Transformers movie, and not a Superman movie. This was a summer blockbuster special effects movie and not much more. I thought the actors were great (although I did think Zod was miscast) The writing was fine, for what it was, and it seemed like they were trying to give some depth and character development in the first half of the movie, but then....nothing... except grand explosions and superfluously long battle scenes.
By far, the biggest disappointment to me was the Clark-Lois relationship, in which there was no chemistry, (they didn't take the time to build any - although the actors could have portrayed it splendidly, I think), no suspense, and basically no romance - although I THINK the movie wanted us to believe they were in love.... That's how badly done it was, I couldn't tell if they were in love or not. I went from thinking "This is a good start to a friendship" to "they just kissed, why did they do that?"
Lastly, what's up with Lois shouting Clark's name while he's wearing his Superman tights? OK - seriously, they should have known better than that.
This film isn't even close to the same level as the Batman Begins trilogy. Just too much action and not enough character development and relationship.
Essentially, they turned it into a "guy's movie." As someone who's not interested in explosions, I got quite bored and a bit depressed with the last half of this movie. Richard Donner still has my vote, by far.
I have to agree with the critics on this one. Man Of Steel just doesn't compare to the original Superman films.
- The movie is all about special effects. They are too fast and jerky which makes the action scenes very hard to follow. Was it really necessary to have so much destruction? There are too many spaceships and scenes in space and what was with the laser eyes? They were more fire than laser....ridiculous!
- The majority of the acting is amateur. Russell Crowe is average, Amy Adams (Lois Lane) should be put in a soap opera, Henry Cavil as Superman has no screen presence whatsoever and Michael Shannon as General Zod was awful.
- Where was the hero factor? In Superman, didn't you all get tingles and goose bumps when he first turns into Superman, catches Lois and then the helicopter?
Why do Directors today feel we the public need 1 hour of loud continuous destruction scenes???? The movie started out great with interesting character building and story line. The last half was the same old been there done that green screen video game action. The director really missed a great opportunity to make a film with some real SUPERMAN story punch. Instead, he pandered to the easy green screen visual assault on the senses with sound so loud, the dialogue was lost. Had the ending action sequence been less over the top, I would definitely want to see this movie again. Knowing this, I doubt I will ever want to watch again. Get a new director.
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