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Men in Black was one of my favorite Hollywood blockbusters of the '90s. Watching this movie now, it has lost none of its charm. You have to love these two stars. Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are amazing. They are a great duo on screen. These two are awesome and you can tell they enjoyed working with each other. This movie is explosive, fast paced, thoughtful, humorous, original, and even at times wise. Final point, get this movie, you won't be disappointed.Review
As the movie progresses you learn more about how the MIB work through the eyes of agent J(Will Smith) who is a new recruit. Who does a great job with his role while adding a bit of humor into the mix. Agent K(Tommy Lee Jone) is the really serious one of the two and takes his job very very seriously and is always serious. But the pair works well in this movie. Overall this is a fun sci-fi movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and for the most part it works.
One of the best science fiction action comedies ever made. The special effects are great - believable (realistic) instead of being cartoonish. The story is interesting - and it's easy to get pulled into it from the beginning. And there's plenty of action and comedy to keep you watching. It's one of the best films of it's kind.
If you enjoyed Men in Black then there are a few other comedies with science fiction themes that you might enjoy as well: "Mars Attacks!", "Spaceballs", and "Galaxy Quest". If you like the quirky CIA/FBI in Men in Black then you might like similar comedy films dealing with laughable governmental/police characters such as "The Naked Gun", "Spies Like Us" or "Dragnet".
This is one of the best movies ever. Not just because it came out in 1997, the best year ever, but because There is comedy, drama, action, and serious points all blended into one. You literally don't know whats going to happen next in this movie if you've never seen it before. Tommy Lee Jones does a great job of acting in this movie. He played a role where he was supposed to be serious most of the time, and he always did a good job at keeping a stale face to convince you that his character really was a strict person that always tried to get the job done and then leave. He reminds me of a person that wakes up on a gloomy Monday morning and they just want to get through the day.
They don't talk, they don't smile, they just do what they have to do until they can go home and fall right back into bed. Most people don't feel like this throughout the whole day, but Tommy Lee Jones made K seem like he had that feeling for most of the Movie. Will Smith did his usual thing, making people laugh in moments when you expect it to be serious, and being serious when you would think there would be a joke around the corner. It's good that one of the two stars was Will, because only a year after The Fresh Prince stopped airing new episodes, will smith is back in a movie that his fans simply can't not like. The two stars worked perfectly together, and I like how at the end, J kind of gets past K's shell that has kept so many people away. It's the unpredictability, and the blend of different genre's that makes this a great movie.
Before I start, I'm going to say that Men in Black is by far a hundred times better than Men in Black II; and if i were to review Men in Black II, it would be a positive review, but it wouldn't be as well reviewed as the first one, which i am doing now. Science-Fiction comedies are very good to watch - a lot of them are very funny with great looking aliens and well-done, funny, good-to-watch, developed characters. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones play Agents J and K; and rightfully so, because they're absolutely great as them. They are the men in black! They're pitted against the ultimate villain - a giant, Alien cockroach that crash lands into a farm and goes inside a farmer (ends up taking over him) and whose wife ends up fainting after he pulls his face back....which is weirder than it sounds. HAHA.
Men in Black is a wonderful and enjoyable science-fiction comedy with great fantasy, sci-fi, aliens, comedy and more, you'll not stop laughing. Such an incredible film - and a helluva lot of different aliens appear in it; Mikey, in particular, is awesome.
Ah, the 90's. A decade that started with the dying gasps of the 1980's, before becoming its own beast entirely. This is perfectly reflected in its media and film. In particular, the absolutely fun, fast and funny action-packed Sci-Fi comedy "Men in Black", directed by stylish filmmaker Barry Sonnenfeld (from a script by Ed Solomon) and starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith.
Smith stars as James Edwards, an NYPD officer who uncovers a strange and possibly extra-terrestrial threat one night while chasing down a perp on the streets. Impressed with James' feat of chasing down an alien on foot, an enigmatic and mysterious agent known only as "Agent K" (Tommy Lee Jones) recruits Edwards into the super-secretive agency known as the "Men in Black" (or "MIB")- a group of men and women who monitor, evaluate and police alien life on the planet Earth. Though the two men of different generations and personalities clash at first (in a way reminiscent of many buddy-comedies), they are forced to work together to stop an insect-like creature (portrayed by Vincent D'Onofio), who is seeking a mysterious artifact trapped on Earth, in a plot which could lead to the destruction of the planet.
This is one of those perfect storms of a talented cast with great chemistry, a good script that flows at just the right pace, fantastic production qualities and a fine director to bring it all together. It's an absolute joy to watch even now, 15 years later.
Smith and Jones are perfect in their roles: Smith as an eager, loud, almost brash young man who is unconventional by the standards of most establishments, and Jones as a semi-weary older, grumpier father-like figure trying to train younger partner. They work together with an amazing chemistry and come off as one of the most likable pairings in recent cinematic history. And their back-and-forth does provide fodder for many great jokes. D'Onofrio is a lot of fun as a slightly over- the-top villain who has stolen the skin of a farmer, which he wears like a suit, causing all sorts of fun physical gags and eccentricities. Rip Torn as the head of MIB is silly fun. And supporting roles by the likes of Linda Fiorentino, Tony Shalhoub and a voice-over role by "Johnny 5" himself, Tim Blaney, are perfect.
The script by Ed Solomon is a lot of fun. He is able to find a happy balance between character development, action, comedic bits and the more broad Sci-Fi elements. It's an admirable script (especially compared to some of his past work), and while it may not do anything too daring, it's very solid and tightly constructed.
Sonnenfeld's direction is top-notch. The visual style he built in films such as the two "Addams Family" flicks and his own quirky sense of humor are allowed to run wild. Sonnenfeld creates a great quirky, fun yet still slightly serious atmosphere that works perfectly in a film such as this. He was the ideal man for the job, and I don't think there is any other director who could have quite handled this film with as much class as he did.
The rest of the production, including some amazing visual effects and awe-inspiring creatures created by Rick Baker. Set and costume design is top-notch. Danny Elfman's score is an absolute funky blast of memorable themes and fun action beats. This is an astonishingly well put-together film.
The only real complaint I have is that the film does feel very basic at times in terms of structure. (And evidently it was subject to some big editing in post production to simplify the story) And a part of me does wish it took more chances with its material and premise.
But regardless, the acting is great, the production incredible and the storytelling first class. I can't complain too much because everything is so well-done. (Although the first sequel is definitely a film I will complain about in a later review)
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